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Neural decoding is a data analysis method that uses pattern classifiers to predict experimental conditions based on neural activity. The Neural Decoding Toolbox in R (NDTr) makes it easy to do neural decoding analyses in R.


You can install NDTr from github using:


The package is based on 5 abstract object types:

  1. Datasources (DS): generate training and test sets.
  2. Feature preprocessors (FP): apply preprocessing to the training and test sets.
  3. Classifiers (CL): learn relationships on the training set and make predictions on the test data.
  4. Result Metrics (RM): summarize the prediction accuracies.
  5. Cross-validators (CV): take the DS, FP and CL objects and run a cross-validation decoding procedure.

By combing different versions of these 5 object types together, it is possible to run a range of different decoding analyses.

Below is a brief illustration of how to use the NDTr to do a simple decoding analysis. To learn how to use the NDTr please see the documentation website and the package vignettes.

# plot the results for three different result types
plot(DECODING_RESULTS$rm_main_results, result_type = "all", plot_type = "line")

# create a temporal cross decoding plot


The documentation for this package is available at:

To get started we recommend you read the introductory tutorial